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Depression costs the U.S. $44 billion per year in lost productivity.... posted on Sep 06 2001, 529 reads


Fish that live more than 800 meters below the ocean surface don't have eyes.... posted on Sep 05 2001, 485 reads


A study of TM (Transcendental Meditation) meditators found that long term meditators have a biological age of 5 to 12 years younger than their chronological age.... posted on Sep 04 2001, 489 reads


Trevor Loflin got perfect 800 scores on the SAT college admission tests - that's pretty amazing. Perhaps even more amazing is that he managed those test scores despite the fact that his family had no permanent home. And did we mention that he has no school either? The 17 year old was home-schooled - obviously quite well - while his family slept, well, wherever.... posted on Sep 03 2001, 733 reads


Loneliness has been shown to double the risk of catching a cold. Lonely people are four times more likely than others to suffer a heart attack, and four times more likely to die from it. By comparison, smokers are only twice as likely as nonsmokers to die from a heart attack.... posted on Sep 02 2001, 584 reads


Scientists have observed that tears of joy, and tears from being in the vicinity of onions, have a different chemical structure.... posted on Sep 01 2001, 541 reads


Wind is the fastest growing source of energy in the world. Windmills are non-polluting and based on renewable energy sources; they also often make economic sense. ... posted on Aug 31 2001, 470 reads


Do you like good things? Here's a website that features nothing BUT good things:... posted on Aug 30 2001, 519 reads


Job stress costs employers more than $200 billion each year in absenteeism, tardiness, burnout, lower productivity, high turnover, worker's compensation and medical insurance costs. ... posted on Aug 29 2001, 577 reads


Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.... posted on Aug 28 2001, 567 reads


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If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.
Booker T. Washington

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